Reiki practitioner


Reiki, Art, Photography


I feel grateful to be brought up in a culture full of spirituality and countless trips to spend time with family in India, since I was a baby. During these trips to India, as a late teen and beyond, I became fascinated by the metaphysical and I would spend my time in bookstores, being drawn to self-healing, the higher consciousness and personal development. I would question my place in the world, how I identify with both eastern and western culture, learning about the power of affirmations, past lives and ancestral healing. From an early age, my mother had a great influence in awakening my curiosity into holistic therapies and the influence of the moon cycles.  Many years later in 2007, I was gifted a book about the Law of Attraction, which added to my curiosity of manifestation and further opening the floodgates of the power of energy and the mind.


Over the years, losing loved ones and going through the different stages of grief, experiencing stress, anxiety, depression and feeling lost, eventually pushed me to book a yoga retreat in 2007, knowing I needed to heal. The experience gifted me many unanswered questions about myself and I embraced the mind-body connection which eventually led me to soul search by way of travelling in 2009, experiencing different cultures and the opportunity to be self challenged in a way I never expected.

In 2017, I travelled to Bali for three months and once again dived deep into healing myself and embraced my love of photography, drawing and dancing. I would shy away from my creativity when I was younger through what I realised was fear, and so a new found love of them as a spiritual, healing release began. Immersing myself in yoga and meditation retreats, including Vipassana,  over the years led me to fulfill a dream of mine and there I completed my 200 hrs hatha yoga teacher training which was a true gift that I will cherish for a lifetime.


At the end of the yoga course in 2017, I decided to go island hopping in Bali. The second day on the very first island, I fell off a scooter. It was actually stationary about to go up a steep hill, but as it tipped over, the weight of the bike fell on my hips and ribs, winding me and the pain was excruciating. That night, both an eastern and western doctor had told me that I would not recover from the pain or heal for around three months. I was distraught, because after completing my yoga course, I had felt so free , strong and healthy. A couple of days after, I decided to get back on my mat and take it slow through restorative yoga. The vision of me seeing a Reiki Practitioner when I was a late teen entered my mind as I practiced and I intuitively placed my hands over my hips and began to breathe into the pain. I continued this for a week or so and the pain had almost gone. I would love to say I was surprised, however I knew it was because of my self healing practice and it was then I knew I would fulfill my dream of completing a Reiki course. The path of Reiki has only been what I can describe as nourishing to the soul. Reiki allows me to live my authentic self, and accepting myself in way that was impossible before. Knowing that we cannot avoid life's challenges, reiki helps us to manage those moments.


My journey of helping others holistically has always been intertwined with my own personal, intuitive and spiritual growth.. In 2018, I embarked on this path by earning my first-degree, Shoden  (Japanese translation: 'first teachings') Reiki. Recognizing that genuine personal growth demands dedication, I continued to self practice, understanding Reiki as a lifelong healing practice and how it fitted into my then, very stressful work life and how it helped me through my own challenges of everyday life. So, I chose to wait until February 2020 to embrace the second degree, Okuden (Japanese translation: Inner teachings) which allowed me to professionally practice and help others. Then, the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent UK lockdown in March led me to adapt to distance Reiki.

I didn't find this transition challenging, in fact, I felt remarkably comfortable with this form of practice, as throughout my life, I have been quietly healing and my approach to healing has always been gentle. Distance Reiki has allowed me to connect with people around the world, which is a heartwarming, enhancing Reiki as a healing practice with boundless reach. In 2023, I expanded my practice to offer

in-person treatments at the Middlesex Natural Therapy Centre, in West Harrow, London. This welcomed shift enabled my practice to connect with people within my local community, fostering more deeper connections.


Reiki has been transformative,  for myself and my clients, and I am dedicated to guiding others on their holistic wellness journey. Understanding how we may include spiritual practices in a modern, busy world is also important to me and something I struggled with from early on, and I realised I was not alone in feeling this way. Therefore within my Reiki practice, my mission is to facilitate my clients' healing journey, whereby the process of healing is initially a collaboration and co-created by both practitioner and the client. My commitment is to ensure their healing experience is authentic to the beautiful, japanese art of Reiki and the support they receive is seamlessly woven into the the fabric of their lives, aiding them to discover their unique path to authenticity and personal growth.

To learn more visit Quietly Healing